
Hello everyone,
          	A new collection titled 'Whimsy of a poetic heart' has been published now. It begins with 'Adventure'. Do check it out. Let me know your thoughts on the cover page and title as well. 
          	Keep smiling 
          	Stay blessed!


Hi all,
          What do you with the 'read for read', 'vote for vote', 'follow for follow' requests? I have been getting those recently. Though it's the user's preference, but I feel as though it's a disrespect of poetry/story/whatever_piece_of_art. It's more as if writing just for the sake of gaining popularity and not for the love of writing. This very fact feels inherently wrong. 
          I feel like maybe I should respond that they're free to read or not. Sometimes I don't feel like responding at all. Let me know your thoughts.


@Sahilvd237 thanks for the perspective Olan. I love your approach. It seems fair and just.


@Sahilvd237 In the start, read for a read was discouraged on Wattpad, but has the site has grown into a mega-site I see a lot more of it. I check the 'beggars' and if I like what read I will read and follow, otherwise I don't. I am more likely read someone who asks than someone who begs, but to get locked into a "contract" of tit for tat is apprehensible to me. We used to see who was reading what of those we followed and you knew what was hot, but that was removed, I believe for privacy reasons.


Hii. How is life going on?
          I just completed reading your poetry collection "whispers of nature ".
          It was awesome.  The way in which you described the beauty of nature is incredible. 
          Gonna read the next collection soon.
          And yes , waiting for the new one✨️❤️:)


@shizzukaahh2301 glad to know! Touchwood. Bless you


@shizzukaahh2301 Meri bhi badhiya chal rhi hai. :)


Hi all,
          A new poetry collection is on its way! Something light-hearted, fun-filled, and full of random musings from a poetic heart. Stay tuned for a journey of whimsical verses and playful thoughts!
          Keep smiling
          Bless you!


@ Sahilvd237  I love poetry!!! Wanna do a read for read poetry?


@Sahilvd237 soon..maybe tomorrow or the day after 


Hello everyone,
          A new book titled "Scars of Spring" is out now. It's a small poetry collection based on the anime movie 'Kimi no suizo wo tabetai', a story that made me feel emotions which lingered beyond the last page. Do check it out!
          Keep smiling 
          Stay blessed


Hey. @eternal_solace sent me. I look forward to checking out your poems. Who are you poetic inspirations?
          Do you have a strategy or philosophy about creating your poetry?


@novelistASH that's some deep and structured thought! 
            In my case, all I can say is I m in love with poetry. In prose I might stumble, but when I think in poetic terms the thoughts and emotions somehow come together. As for the poets I am inspired by, I haven't read a series of works by a single poet. However, the scattered pieces that I read were composed by Robert Frost, Alfred Tennyson, William Wordsworth, rudyard kipling, Rabindranath Tagore, Kabir, Rahim, Ramdharisinh Dinkar and lot more indian poets - both professional and non-professional.
            Anyways, Nice to meet you too as well Ash!


@Sahilvd237 It's definitely a complicated question. I first tried to write to try to share the experience of creating with my first love, but my vision was skewed and their emotions were guarded so it didn't work out and I walked away from poetry for almost twenty years. I dabbled here and there, but it wasn't ever something I liked.
            My partner got into haiku last year and they showed me that poetry is something that needs to be studied to be appreciated, that it is a skill to hone. So I guess they're my first inspiration.
            There's also Robert Frost, Nick Virgilio, Sylvia Plath, Elizabeth Bishop, Ocean Vuong, as well as playwrights and rappers. I've actually been inspired by a few poets on here. You can see who in my collection "In Appreciation."
            My strategy comes from doing my best to give voice to the feeling. When the words are hard to find I will read poems or try to find a melody and beat. I'm still learning and I definitely feel like I have a lot to learn about brevity and phrasing.
            I have a lot of really complex thoughts about structure. Like, I think a lot about quatrains and how their expectation can grate against the nerves or serve as a welcoming embrace depending on the context. There's also the way that odd and even lines play on the mind, while rhyming couplets are danced around.
            As for philosophy, I guess I'm trying to speak to my truth in a visceral way, to wake people up with impact as much as I can, and if I can't attack the psyche directly I'll go for metaphorical imagery. Flow is extremely important to me and I think pacing is still my greatest weakness as a poet.
            Poetry is continually proving to be a difficult form of artistic expression and it's hard to improve when it's easy to see how little people respect the form.
            Anyway, nice to meet you. I'm looking forward to reading more of your work.


Hey! I write poetry. Please check it out, l'd literally do anything to get your feedback on it. We can do a read for read if you'd like. Thank you <3 https://


Hey Sahil! ✧.* Thanks for responding! I'll definitely check your book out. Can't wait!


@fullofmoon sure I will check out. I have added it to my reading list. You may check out my collection of you wish to. no read for read request needed. 
            Stay blessed 
            Keep smiling 