I finally decided to answer these Qs as recommended by @Chloefairchild even if it means showing people how NOT interesting i am. Name: Saida Njeru Zodiac : Capricorn Fears: old age (esp lose of hair and teeth. Yikes) Height: 5'5 Fav place: My bed?? Listening to: Sign of the times-Harry styles and I'm ALWAYS listening to little mix. They're my fav. Eye color: Brown Fav movie: That is such a big commitment to make. But i think I've watched every Kevin Hart movie at least thrice. How i feel right now: losing my mind prepin for end of semester exams. HELP! Reason i joined wattpad: Daah! To enjoy all of these amazing works by these amazing writers. (And maybe be one of them) Last book i read : a kid's book at a lame family function. Can't remember the name but it was really funny with really nice drawings. I miss being a kid.

@SaidaNjeru @ChloeFairchild hahaha yes people take their beds for granted. Not me though. Little piece of heaven right there. And thanks. I need the luck. :* :*:))

@SaidaNjeru Damn, I should have included my bed for favourite place too - so true :') (ALSO GOOD LOOK FOR END OF SEMESTER EXAMS!! <3)