The world is truly a mysterious place. It comes with heartbreak, death, loss, depression, and pain. But It also comes with love, sunshine, and the beautiful nature that springs up into the ground. It's sad what we've made the world. We are striping it of its nature by paving roads, building unnecessary buildings and pollution. Be glad you're here. Be happy you were given the chance to experience life at it's fullest for you. You can't feel happy if you don't feel pain because you won't know the difference if you don't feel both.  Heartbreak shows you, true love. And happiness reveals itself in strange ways. If your depressed just remember someone will always care about you, even if you don't feel it. Someone will notice your gone. And someone out there in this world does love you. Stay happy and healthy my friends and I'll see you in some other fantasy world I write about.
  • The World
  • Üye olduJanuary 10, 2020

Son Mesaj
SaigeRiley37 SaigeRiley37 Sep 14, 2020 02:51PM
I have no words for how much I wanna continue!!  I'm writing again right now so expect a new chapter soon!
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