this message may be offensive
I just needed to rant quickly- but a couple days ago my brother had literally- In front of our mom, called me an asshole. But when she asked him about it he said he called me an ‘ace hole’ (we were playing cards and he tried to make it seem like a play on words. My mom did nothing, and keep in mine I get in trouble for saying frick. Like the f-?
And last night my cousin had called me trying to get a hold of my brother and asked me to go get him, so I did but he was asleep and I tried telling him that. My cousin asked me to wake him up so I did. All I did was say “Orion, can you get up for a moment, Cade’s trying to get a hold of you. He says it’s something to do with y’all’s Minecraft server.” My brother got up, took my phone out of my hand, hung it up, then proceeded to THROW IT ON THE FRICKEN GROUND. I grabbed my phone and went to tell me mom that Cade had called and that Orion threw my phone and all she did was laugh, and Orion CONSTANTLY takes my phone from me and is always too close to me. My mom doesn’t say anything to him, of course not she wouldn’t want to hurt her ‘precious babies feelings.’ But like- seriously. He’s 18 he shouldn’t be acting like that.
Another thing this morning he kept moving me while I was in my bed, like shaking me and crap- and I told him to knock it off cause he was being annoying and that he was acting like a piece of crap and my dad yelled from the other room. “Don’t call your brother a piece of crap.” But anytime Orion calls me names they brush it off and claim to not hear him.
And they say the youngest are the favorites, in my case it’s the oldest.
Ughhh sorry for that quick rant- and if you actually read this then- here’s a cookie and also your time back ⏱