
Anyone who goes after Tyler Jones will get to know my fist very well :)


Hey, sorry that I haven't been updating as much recently but with back to school it has been hard to keep up with writing. Hopefully I will be able to post a new chapter today or tomorrow. Thanks for being patient with me (except for real life Nathan who is pestering me) Ok, bye!


Hello everyone! I am super excited for the next chapter of Nathan and Micah. I think real life Nathan is too because...the next chapter is written by Nathan! If you like the next chapter, then feel free to tell me so I can pester Nathan to write another one...
          Look out for Nathan's chapter, it will be coming soon!


Hello! As some of you know, I am having a surgery tomorrow so don't expect any updates to my book for a few days. However, I have some special updates planned for when I am feeling up to writing again. I hope you have been enjoying Nathan and Micah so far! See you in the next chapter!


Hello! I just updated Nathan and Micah. The chapter is called Sleeping with a Vampire. If you enjoy it, please tell me because I absolutely loved writing it and would love to write another chapter set in the same world. Hope you are enjoying it!


Some sad news...
          I have not been enjoying writing Open Eyes, it has been a bit of a chore. So for the moment I am going to stop writing it. The story is feeling to rushed to me and I'm not getting the amount of detail into it that I would like. I might come back to it one day but for right now I am going to stop writing it.
          I do have more stories that I am working on and hopefully they will be ready soon!
          Sorry about stopping the story right in the middle, I did not expect this to happen but it just isn't enjoyable enough for me to continue. Sorry again!


@Sailor_Sixam Don't worry! The story will be better if you enjoy it and not if you force yourself.


            That’s okay! Take time for yourself and when you get back to writing, it (should hopefully) be fun and enjoyable again :)