
i just finished not just 1 chapter but 2 chapters, i changed things a little to match better with the chapters i've finished or else it will mix other chapters up so it will be all over the place, i prevented it from happening
          	1 chapter was about creating a mess and the other is the 2 years earlier with the way how it all really started, kind of like a flashback, you should take a look at it
          	and it's coming from someone who's bad at creating dramas or chaos in the stories but in my opinion it turned out quite good
          	i saved an another chapter up that's published now incase i ran out of ideas, i've thought about that
          	the chapter i'm now working on, some things stays the same but i started to change my mind that's drafted for now
          	the reason is because i want atleast 1 fairy who's not trapped in something or someone, manage to hide itself and set someone free before saving the day (a hint, it's the character who plays an important role, kind of like a main character in the story)


@Sailorplanet97 I just hope you liked where I've mentioned you, it was just checking.


@ConradThauberger thanks, i'm still alive haha :)


Hi Sailorplanet. It's me.
          I am just glad you are doing okay.
          I also wondering for the next chapter of the alternate Tinker Bell idea. Since I did needed to have a heavy moment for Vidia as living down her rivalry she had on the year before the misunderstanding on the mainland, is too impossible and seeing those three flashbacks would make her more ashamed that she would've been crying over it. As I just thought Tink and Vidia making immense and putting their rivalry aside seemed a bit too quick. 
          Even have some of the other fairies of Pixie Hollow still don't trust Vidia, like turning away from her with their arms folded and remain putt off by her presence. Kind of like a similar struggle Sunset Shimmer had since her redemption and excepting friendship.
          Now I also wonder about the next chapter, which can be who can bond with Lizzy and Martin the most? I mean, think of it. With any human Pixie Dust invented, maybe secretly by Zarina, it can have Tink and her fairy friends interact with humans and understand each other more clearly, while still keeping their magical talents, as they just become humongous and their wings disappeared. 
          But when Tink left and joins Peter, who of her friends can bond with Lizzy and Martin? Even by far soon becoming part of their family, gaining a husband and a daughter?
          Could it be Vidia? As it can be her time to start over and make immense with them and need their comfort as she was still hurt over the argument she and Tink had, but also about how she thought of them and acted to them because of her point of view of the misunderstanding.
          Or could it be Periwinkle? Even though she never met Lizzy before, she could always be able to support her and will feel her devastation she would have if she never sees Tink again if she left.


i just finished not just 1 chapter but 2 chapters, i changed things a little to match better with the chapters i've finished or else it will mix other chapters up so it will be all over the place, i prevented it from happening
          1 chapter was about creating a mess and the other is the 2 years earlier with the way how it all really started, kind of like a flashback, you should take a look at it
          and it's coming from someone who's bad at creating dramas or chaos in the stories but in my opinion it turned out quite good
          i saved an another chapter up that's published now incase i ran out of ideas, i've thought about that
          the chapter i'm now working on, some things stays the same but i started to change my mind that's drafted for now
          the reason is because i want atleast 1 fairy who's not trapped in something or someone, manage to hide itself and set someone free before saving the day (a hint, it's the character who plays an important role, kind of like a main character in the story)


@Sailorplanet97 I just hope you liked where I've mentioned you, it was just checking.


@ConradThauberger thanks, i'm still alive haha :)


Hello how have you been doing ? I thought I should let you know I am going to delete one or two of my comments, but I still hope you will use my ideas. Keep doing your best.


@CreativeDreamJewel  i'm doing great, thanks for asking and yes i'll think about something with your ideas


Thanks and I hope you will use my ideas, which one did you love the best ? 


@CreativeDreamJewel  oh that's a difficult choice because i love all of your ideas
            i'd choose the first plot ideas for Zarina (getting trapped by the pirates and the apology from Fairy Gary part story idea)
            as for Tinkerbell story ideas, i love both of your ideas based on Tinkerbell :)


Hello I was wondering Which idea you will use from my book ? Also which one do you like the best.


@CreativeDreamJewel i just responded to your comment based on your ideas on Tinkerbell and Zarina :)
            i especially love your ideas how Zarina became a bad person and why she reacted the way she did by like stealing the blue dust and make almost everybody sleepy


i'm still active in here no worries, some chapters are still drafted but i started to have my doubt on a certain chapter
          the story plot hasn't changed, 2 antagonist who are enemies to each other who have to work together to save the day
          but the part i started to have my doubt is the part 2 fairies get caught by the creatures (thankfully this one fairy manage to set itself free after a bit)
          should i only create a chapter only 1 fairy get caught while the other one just like get away with it by making itself invisible doing a high risk to save its enemy of an attempted murder by the creatures? (2 fairies are punished doing a different task, that still hasn't changed)
          i was sick nearly 2 weeks ago and stayed in bed but i'm doing good now
          i published a theory on one of the Tinkerbell characters if it makes you feel better?
          what do you think with the part (drafted one) about the creature ones who are like fairy hunters who kills a fairy off?
          my original chapter was supposed to be like when 2 fairies get caught (not at the same time) by the creatures and get trapped somewhere but i started to have my doubt about getting 2 fairies caught (1 fairy still get caught i have in mind for sure, it's similar to this fairytale theatre how a pirate captures a fairy to grant 3 wishes, just differently)
          i'm curious with your decisions about my idea about continuing 2 fairies getting caught? or just 1 fairy who gets caught by the creatures while the other hide itself nearby untill its the right time to show up? i can't choose
          i drafted an epilogue scene and that part remains the same, i just have struggles with one of the chapters i drafted for now
          have a nice day :)

            It's this one i'm talking about by the way (i created them myself)


@Sailorplanet97 Glad to know you're there.


i was just thinking lately based on what i'm working on
          what if i create a chapter *(probably the next chapter after working on the current chapter which i'm still struggling at with dangerous animals or creatures in which i still need your help)* about 2 main character's point of view to make it more interesting?
          maybe the one point's of view after the incident on the mainland (from the earlier chapter)
          and the other point's of view after the other certain fairy is born
          what do you think about this idea?


@Sailorplanet97 i also like to think angel fairies in more or lesser extent also knows the countries from the human world, its tradition and cultures, it also knows each planets besides earth
            i've searched it up on google and i've already thought of that, angel fairies can teleport themselves (and possibly fairies) to other places in no time (same with Telekinesis, i didn't knew the name of it untill now but it can move to the opposite directions with especially dangerous weathers but also some sort of attacks without even touching it and with no troubles)
            powers like: shield powers to protect themselves and the others, cresent beam/shower attack, maybe even invisible powers
            possibly weakness: if overworking too much with the powers, angel fairies becomes temporary weak
            aside from my previous comment in here what the abilities and powers angel fairies are having (i already mentioned a few of them lol)
            it's almost most likely nothing other talented fairies are having and i created most of them myself :D


i just realized while writting things, this one fairy have its mix with iris (from Lolirock) because of the hairstyle and the way they like freeze/pause things so it stops times in a way and their favourite colour being pink
            Momoko Hanasaki (from Wedding Peach) because of the hair item in a way and they're both an angel in a way 
            Usagi Tsukino (from Sailor Moon) because of healing spells, running away from problems but faced them eventually, panicking and childish side, even their hot-temper side of them they easily get angry about smallest of things and even their wings are quite alike in a way (angel like wings)
            but much meaner than the 3 characters i've mentioned (it's just like Periwinkle having icy's powers and even the same appearances from winx club but much shorter hair than icy yet the opposite personalities)
            i'm thinking of that same certain person hiding its identity by like wearing a mask like Sailor Venus, yet wearing extra clothes to hide the wings (NOT Sailor Venus, more like the evil Avalon from Winx Club who also hide its wings untill later) untill that certain fairy reveals itself just like Sailor Venus when someone/others are in danger
            just an idea since i already wrote that one for future chapters
            i like to think angel fairies knows things about humans without experiences the good nor bad things about them by combine it by others experiences, hearing things when on the mainland and studying things about humans (just like Lizzy about fairies but more like the opposite around) 
            and i like to think angel fairies can read minds about what humans really think of fairies and explain to others why big humans stopped believing in fairies or something and when having auras it sense some kind of dangers/threat like the fire elemental characters do
            this person's hair colour is a mix with blond and pink hair (very light hair colour though)


hi guys
          i think i'm halfway with the current chapter but i need your help
          i still can't come up with the creatures or animals that are dangerous for fairies because i don't want to do similar things like in the first movie with its sprinting thistles, i want something unique with the story i'm working on
          like maybe the fairy create some sort of a creature or dangerous animals or something and cause a disaster, but i can't think up with something that's dangerous for fairies
          do you have any ideas with the current chapter i'm working on?
          it's a fairy who wants revenge on a certain fairy (2 antagonists who are against each other but shows it in opposite ways, the 1 who likes to openly embarrass others and the other who does it in a quiet way)
          i'm working on a chapter which one of the 2 wants to embarrass someone in public, even if it accidently involves the other fairies (similar with the first and the last movie with the animals that are dangerous for fairies)
          but i struggle with animals or creatures that can eat fairies (other then rats, cats, sprinting thistles and hawks)
          maybe you can help me with that? because google doesn't help if i search it up there
          the only thing i've covered things up is during the adventure itself in further chapters (robot for fairies in pixie hollow an antagonist fairy have created with its talent and zombie-like creatures for the 2 antagonist fairies outside pixie hollow but that's in further chapter of the story, i decided not to get the pirates involved since someone told me not to, so i want an unique enemy that kills fairies just like the pirates but differently, it's a talking creature just like the 2 trolls from "The Lost Treasure")
          if you know something that are dangerous for fairies then let me know! (i especially want to ruin a small part of pixie hollow untill it gets worse months later so Queen Clarion punish both of the antagonists)


i think i want to make a chapter with flashback, one in planet's point of view before the other fairy named Mahendi was born and Mahendi's point of view so it won't look like Mahendi is just a background character or something
            maybe even their own ways of learning things, the one who's all into books and the other who likes to use magic openly even though some things aren't allowed
            i'm quite good with playing 1 main character in the stories but 2 of them is a challenge so i could use some help here :D
            but don't worry not each chapters are too dark :P