Okay last night was my Hoco (I’m a junior) and this guy I like was there. The whole dance my best friend was trying to be a match maker, I love her but, it was a little much. Then when my guy friends caught on it got worse. At one point we were hanging with him and talking and he had walked away, I told my friend to let it be because I would rather hangout with them. She got annoyed for some reason I felt uncomfortable and walked off to get water, she text me apologizing and then said “I don’t wanna push you, but. He came back looking for you.”
A lot of the time he was by himself on his phone and walking around and I kept making eye contact with him, he also offered me a red vine which was sweet (we are both foodie people so like it was sweet to us). But, here’s the thing a lot of girls like this boy he’s on the baseball team, and he’s very attractive. Personally I find him more appealing because of his personality, but, a lot of girls were swarming him at random points then running off. A girl grinded on him from behind ran off and he was like “who was that?” I never ended up actually dancing with him we awkwardly danced together with some of my friends. He also witnessed me grinding again one of my friends, who legit had a guy she was with but came over to dance with me. I don’t know how things will turn out because I don’t know the signs for when someone likes you. If anyone got anything to help please!