
@LuvSailorMercury ohhhhh then nevermind lol! xD


Ohhhhh! XD


Haha yup. I think the movie was rated R for like one violence mainly there we're other themes as well. XD


Hello, I was just wondering what happened to First Love. I really enjoy your work and I was wondering what happened to it~ 


@LoveXHeartXforever HI!!! Firstly, I'd like to thank you for reading my story! And, First Love has been put on hold because I didn't know how to continue it... >.< Sorry! It will be back soon though! Again, thank you for reading! ^^


Konnichiwa. Saigai! You, as my new favorite author, (in making cpn stories) I'm thanking you for making your cpn story find me in recommendations! I just started reading it tonight and ended up reading it in the same night at 8:20 pm! M was a really touching story! It made me cried at the first chapter cause I already knew that Lilia will experience a lot of problems. And as your new fan, of course I'll support you now and in your future stories so you can gain more readers--if you will not delete M in the future generation--and god bless you! Also Shawn and Lilia!


@cutepinkaesthetic Awwww thank you so much for reading M! Your votes and this comment made my day!!!


Hi! I don’t know if you remember me, you probably don’t, but I miss you! I don’t know why you are inactive and it breaks my heart to see someone you are reading from to just.. disappear! I hope you come back! <3


@hamchoii Awwww Thank you! So sorry to only reply now! I am officially back and runnin-- writing!!! LOL