
Hey there everyone! I'm sorry that I haven't updated HS in a long time but I was just going through a lot of drama and had a slight mental block. But I'm back now and the ideas are flowing. So expect a new chapter of HS to come out in a few days. Woohoo! Also I want to thank all the people who has voted for my story and is following my me. I'm shocked that I have so many. I'll try my best to stay consistent but I can't make any promises. Hoped this got you excited!


Hey there everyone! I'm sorry that I haven't updated HS in a long time but I was just going through a lot of drama and had a slight mental block. But I'm back now and the ideas are flowing. So expect a new chapter of HS to come out in a few days. Woohoo! Also I want to thank all the people who has voted for my story and is following my me. I'm shocked that I have so many. I'll try my best to stay consistent but I can't make any promises. Hoped this got you excited!


I started watching Personal Taste. I'm on episode 3. Why doesn't the guy just say he isn't gay? Koreans just makes everything more sometimes complicated.
          The area I live in is a flood zone and the city didn't turn on the pumps. My house wouldn't have flooded if a lady didn't drive through the water and caused a wave that made the water start coming into my house. Most of the house is clean now but a room needs a new floor. 


Oh  did answer that, on my page, like a week ago lol. YOU SHOULD DEFINATLY FINISH WATCHING IT. Lol, the girl is a little annoying but it gets better, and it's so hilarious how she thinks he's gay :P
          AND OH MY GOD ! that's terrible ! are you okay, is your house okay ? :(
          how did that happen anyway ? 


@KoreanDramaAddict Oh. Get a lot of rest when you go home. It's still summer, so do it while you can. Where do you work? The question was should I try to watch Personal Taste again. My friend asked to watch it but I stopped after the first episode. I think I was annoyed by the girl's hair. So should I ignore it and watch it?
          PS: My house got flooded! :(