
Hello, I am back with more pronunciations and a small update. 
          	✨Update First✨ 
          	There is not a set schedule for when I release chapters. I release them whenever I have completed one. Same goes for the writing, I write when I have the time and energy. 
          	I appreciate everyone’s support and private feedback I know these latest chapters are not my greatest, I promise I will fix them later.
          	✨Pronunciations✨Bosses Game✨
          	Sung-Min Cheong: Sung-Men Chee-On-Guh 
          	Kang-Dae Cheong: KOng-Day Chee-On-Guh 
          	Hyun-Bin Cheong: He-Un-Ben Chee-On-Guh
          	Nari Dokgo: Nar-Eee Dock-Go 
          	DokJoon Cheomposal:Dock-June Chee-Om-poseal 
          	Goju Haremsun: Go-Jew Hair-Um-Son
          	Min Yakazaki: Men Ya-Kah-Zah-Key 


Hello, I am back with more pronunciations and a small update. 
          ✨Update First✨ 
          There is not a set schedule for when I release chapters. I release them whenever I have completed one. Same goes for the writing, I write when I have the time and energy. 
          I appreciate everyone’s support and private feedback I know these latest chapters are not my greatest, I promise I will fix them later.
          ✨Pronunciations✨Bosses Game✨
          Sung-Min Cheong: Sung-Men Chee-On-Guh 
          Kang-Dae Cheong: KOng-Day Chee-On-Guh 
          Hyun-Bin Cheong: He-Un-Ben Chee-On-Guh
          Nari Dokgo: Nar-Eee Dock-Go 
          DokJoon Cheomposal:Dock-June Chee-Om-poseal 
          Goju Haremsun: Go-Jew Hair-Um-Son
          Min Yakazaki: Men Ya-Kah-Zah-Key 


Hello everyone! So I wanted to do a community post to help some of my readers pronounce a few of  my characters names. 
          Osiris Yumuku: Oh-sigh-ris You-moo-coo 
          Nefaris Ukbi: Nah-far-is  uck-bee 
          Xenaria: zen-are-e-uh 
          Kayori Demue: Kay-or-e Duh-mew 
          Thanasis: Than-uh-sis 
          Oren: oh-ren 
          Haru: Har-oo
          Daichi- Die-chee 
          Kyoto Tang: Key-oh-toe tay-ng 
          SeunBe Tang: See-un-bay  tay-ng 
          Hiroshi Gashkatah: Her-oh-she Gosh-kaw-tAh
          Hyun-Sook Joon: He-yun-sook  Joo-In 


Hello!Thank you so much to my consistent and loyal readers. I really appreciate the support and I love creating these stories. It brings me so much happiness, seeing my characters come to life. I hope you guys continue to support me for many more years to come.