It’s a probable thing that after winter break I’ll switch schools. The principal here (I haven’t written a word about him yet) is basically being a schmuck and favouriting others over me. Literally he got hired by my grandma when she was still working in the school. I wonder why he’s picking me, out of all people…
Enough. Mom gave me choice;
Stay here or go to better place.
And seems like I’ll find better place. Wish me luck, though. I’ll just try to be as flashy as possible unto the month ends, to show how much he looses by being stupid jerk.
IMO writing 5 page essay about justice for Polish teacher just to show that I CAN.
I’ll show them who’s on top. I may be egoistic, delusional and cocky, but I’ll show what I’m made out of.
Btw, you said you don’t have an email. If you have notifications turned on email, it means that the owner of email which is attached to Wattpad account has literally every single message you’ve got on the mail. Unless that was turned on. I hope you have that turned on. But it would be funny if your dad was reading our conversation since the very beginning.