
Hello, everyone.
          	I apologize for not updating anything. I graduated a couple weeks ago, but life has gotten so hectic, what with it being the end of school. (I work at a local public school) I will try my hardest to come back asap! :) Summer break begin next week, so my hours will be shifting to the morning, and that means I'll be writing again! Not as much as I'd like to, but I'm going to try to go back to my old updating schedule.
          	I promise, none of the stories on here have been abandoned. I'm just struggling with life right now, and writing has unfortunately taken a back burner to everything else. :(
          	Also, I'm going to another school this fall. I'm still trying to decide between two different schools, so that's up in the air at the moment. I'm going to study to become a holistic doctor! It all ties in with the business my mother and I are going to open. ^_^ It's going to take me a few years, maybe four, but I know I can do it.
          	Thank you all for your continued support. I love you all. <3


@Sakura_KitKat all the best,i hope you'll have the inspiration to write.


Hope things work out well for you with the new school!


Hello, everyone.
          I apologize for not updating anything. I graduated a couple weeks ago, but life has gotten so hectic, what with it being the end of school. (I work at a local public school) I will try my hardest to come back asap! :) Summer break begin next week, so my hours will be shifting to the morning, and that means I'll be writing again! Not as much as I'd like to, but I'm going to try to go back to my old updating schedule.
          I promise, none of the stories on here have been abandoned. I'm just struggling with life right now, and writing has unfortunately taken a back burner to everything else. :(
          Also, I'm going to another school this fall. I'm still trying to decide between two different schools, so that's up in the air at the moment. I'm going to study to become a holistic doctor! It all ties in with the business my mother and I are going to open. ^_^ It's going to take me a few years, maybe four, but I know I can do it.
          Thank you all for your continued support. I love you all. <3


@Sakura_KitKat all the best,i hope you'll have the inspiration to write.


Hope things work out well for you with the new school!


Wayo curse phir se kab start karoge please jaldi next part likhiye na


@Sakura_KitKat oh it's ok no problem


@ManishaMittal2 Ah, I've translated it online. I'll be updating when I can. :)


@ManishaMittal2 I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't understand the language you've commented with. Are you asking about Beware The Curse Of Yo? If so, that story is on a temporary hiatus at the moment. <3


          I've had my laptop for a bit now, and I've written the final chapter to So I Don't Forget You, and sent it off to my mae for beta reading. I'm hoping to upload it tonight and change the status on that story as Complete. I'm sad it's over, but...plenty more to write and more to finish! :)


Bad news: my laptop can't be fixed.
          Good news: the company is sending me a new one, different model, as a replacement.
          More good news: the Geek Squad was able to transfer all my info to an external hard drive before I sent the fried laptop off.
          No news yet on when I'll get it, but I will post here to update everyone when it arrives.  Gotta be honest, I haven't been able to really get much written since it happened, so...when I get the new laptop, I'll have to start writing up chapters at lightning speed to make up for my absence this summer. And even though I'm going back to school, I only have six classes to take to earn my degree in Accounting, so I should have time to write. But my post way back before my first degree still holds: all updates will happen when I have time and motivation, and not necessarily on the same day.
          Love you all, my dear kittens!


@BlackPanther646 I actually had a sequel in the works about a different couple, but...I like the idea about writing another NoType centric story. ;) I'll announce it if I do start one. Thanks for the idea! <3<3<3


@Sakura_KitKat hiii can we get another TypeNo TechnoType story please


So happy you’re getting your laptop replaced and were able to save your info. Looking forward to when you have time and motivation. 


So, made some calls today. Have to send my laptop to the manufacturer to be serviced. Before that, I need to take it to the Best Buy I bought it from and have them transfer my info to another device. Sh*t's about to get costly. Ugh...
          Long story short, broken laptop means no update this weekend.  I'm so sorry, everyone! Maybe I'll be able to update sometime next month.


@Sakura_KitKat it's ok.i hope you can recover all the things you need from your laptop and i hope it can be fixed soon.


Hi, my adorable kittens! I'm afraid I might have some bad news. My computer decided it was made of rice crispies (snap, crackle, pop), then thought it was too hot for me to handle (sparked and tried to catch on fire), so I'm taking it to Best Buy tomorrow after my shift to discipline the unruly thing. Fingers crossed. You all might hear an anguished scream if nothing on the laptop can be saved. I have new stories started on there...


@Sakura_KitKat i hope it can be fixed.