Alright! I have been gone for the longest! (For reasons I am to ashamed to mention) and...well...I don’t know what I should do as I have run into writers block and..maybe some requests could help
Alright! I have been gone for the longest! (For reasons I am to ashamed to mention) and...well...I don’t know what I should do as I have run into writers block and..maybe some requests could help
WAZ UP EVERYBODY IM BACK BITCHES... Yeah any way I think I'm going to continue to try writing, but im pretty much out of ideas sooo yeah I'll try! See ya l 8er
@Sakuragoldwolf spam what spam? You mean the kind in a can? Yeah I didn't throw Spam at it gave when you were at school. Or....Did I and I have Amnesia from it?
Ellllo, how is everypony?, Good, gud. Anyway I just was wondering if anyone wanted to keep me busy by requesting, or if they wanted to roleplay, or whatever.
Basically I'm just bored \_(o~o)_/
Hello everyone or in some others case everypony, any way I'm back and will try to post another chapter for life goes on, if any of you pups even care :p