
Hello everyone! It's Sakuraii-chan! I'm up for any question if you like to ask any, or just have a conversation about your books and mine! I'm friendly, so I'm up for any chat! Message me if you like!


To start off my novel on this account, I started creating a novel called The Black Plague. Original series of novels, so keep up to date if you seem interested! Also, if you want more fanfictions, read more on as Sakuraii-chan!


Hello! My name is Sakuraii-chan and I would like to give off a head start that I like to create ORIGINAL novels based off my talent and I would love to write it on here to show you what I can do! If you like my stories (mostly suspense, horror, thriller, adventure, etc.), follow me and get updates of new chapters of my novels and fanfictions I write to make you guys happy and enjoy the stories I make to put an effort in doing so. Also, if you have the following, follow me on Instagram and Tumblr as jasi_arts! Updates on my art is my main attraction on those two specific accounts, so give it a try and see how well I draw!  Thank you for those dedicated of following me on wattpad.