
okay so the crown the drown and the sword is offical it has aplot n junk and whoo finally a book with a plan


Allium Duo (Tommy and Ranboo) or Bench Trio (Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo)?
          I've already got to WIP books for each one, both pretty similar, but Idk which one to work on more?
          It'd be appreciated if at least two three people could say something lol. Or one even!


Its my brothers birthday today! Send happy b-days to him if you want :D
          he's a year younger than me rn, but its almost my birthday so -3-


H e y. H e ' s  s t i l l  m y  b r o t h e r.


 Happy late birthday bitch boy
            d o n t T h i n k I D o n t R e m e m b e r T h e R o b i n