Hi everyone! I really, really miss you all. I think I told you all recently that I had moved cross country, finished my PhD and started a demanding job but it's also one that requires me to get in touch with my intellectually creative side. I've also been tending to myself and investing in myself in so many needed ways. I have envisioned new chapters, endings, and even new stories for you all and haven't felt able to write them. But I want to! And I'm really going to try to channel my inspiration and your love and support into my creative efforts. I just finished co-authoring a book for my actual job (that took several months and is now being published later this year), and I really feel like I need to get back into creative writing and getting in touch with you all. Maybe I can do more to connect with you and cultivate inspiration and give back, since you all give me so much. I feel like the bar is set high and I'm scared sometimes that I won't be able to meet it, and I think that also interferes with my mindset, thereby making it harder to write. I've discovered that I may have developed a strange relationship with my writing that I can't really describe. But hearing how my work has influenced, impacted, and motivated you REALLY moves me, it's like you all are wrapping your arms around me and giving me the biggest hug, at the exact time I need it most. I love you all and I truly appreciate the time and love you've invested into your fandom for my work! When I set out to do this, I had no idea that my work would be received the way it has, and that means the world to me!
@Salander91 I've been trying to improve on my writing, and i frankly enjoy the way you've written your books, so if you have any time to spare could you give me tips on how you improved? You can add me on Tumblr. If you have it, the user name is the same as I have on here :)
@Salander91 go at your own pace. Writing a book is something that you really have to put a lot of thought into, and feeling behind it's not as easy as it seems. I hope you find what you're looking for and hopefully continue to write.