
Readers, my story is going on hiatus until I move to full-time employment at my job. I just want to ensure people know that the story has not been forgotten or given up on-- Life is just being difficult, and I need to prioritize my job/sleep/rest at the moment.


Readers, my story is going on hiatus until I move to full-time employment at my job. I just want to ensure people know that the story has not been forgotten or given up on-- Life is just being difficult, and I need to prioritize my job/sleep/rest at the moment.


New chapter posted. Feeling cute, may upload another later. :P <3


@SalemGraham I'm having such a hard time finding the time to write.  Getting it in when I can, but pheeeew.


Hey good to hear! I’ll try to get to it soon


Chapter 27 is out. This brings us to 45k words together, and that means we are almost halfway through the story, which I anticipate to be 100k! I'm proud of the journey so far. I want to take a moment to encourage any readers to critique, critique, and critique! Your thoughts are more important to me than you could ever know. <3
          I will do my best to get chapter 28 out tomorrow. Do you know what happens on stormy nights in a fantasy world? Sheer and utter chaos. Stay tuned!


Been taking a little time from writing to focus on life. Got a lot accomplished, professionally, the last few weeks! My stories will, likely, be getting published a bit slower than originally. I am still here, though! I promise to continue delivering content, whether I have interested readers or not. <3 
          Hope everyone is doing well. I will be working on chapter 27 today, and hopefully have that published today or tomorrow at the latest. It really depends on work. <3


@Gabriel20240788 You sometimes have to take time for yourself! I'm trying to avoid doing it much, as this is this first book I have sat down and REALLY focused on finishing.


@SalemGraham I understand, I had a month break with my publishing to focus on work and schl nad life ect


New chapter incoming today or tomorrow! Do you like gollum fights? Cause you're getting gollum fights! Now that I am 1/3'rd through with the story, I can safely say that from here on out, the action, mystery and drama will only increase.


Well, well, well... These last two weeks have been frightfully awful for me without much sign of improvement. Between my work and home life, I have had little time to write. Back at it today, though, and have full intent of releasing chapter 25 tomorrow.
          I hope everyone has been well, or at least better than I have been. <3


@SalemGraham It's struggle of still being in trial mode at a job that you are technically unqualified for, and need to prove that you can do it. Doesn't help our apartment has flooded three times.  


@SalemGraham Hey, I was wondering what happened to you. Sorry to hear about your woes. I hope things improve. I'll give your book a look over soon.