
Hey there my lovelies.
          	   This Author has created a new story and thanks to said story i'm back into a writing mood cause of my major writers block lmao.
          	   We all know of my lil collection going of MXTX stories cross over with Tokyo Ghoul.
          	    I've done Grandmaster and Tokyo Ghoul.
          	    I've also done Scum villain and Tokyo ghoul.
          	   This time, last night I made the first chapter of Heaven Offical's blessing and Tokyo Ghoul. Why? I figured why not.
          	    It's on my AO3 and it'll be my AO3 exclusive work just like I have with one other short story of Blue exorcist X Smile (Like the Smile Curse)
          	    If you're interested in the TGCF X Tokyo Ghoul story here it is :
          	    Copy and paste it if you want, but I only have one chapter down so far so it's not much. 
          	    I dunno If I'll be able to update again today if I do it's probably cuz I ditched school work or I found some time. But after 1:44 I have work, and probably wont update up until 7:10 when I get home. 
          	    OKAY! Love you all and have a Good Morning / Afternoon / Night!!!


Hey there my lovelies.
             This Author has created a new story and thanks to said story i'm back into a writing mood cause of my major writers block lmao.
             We all know of my lil collection going of MXTX stories cross over with Tokyo Ghoul.
              I've done Grandmaster and Tokyo Ghoul.
              I've also done Scum villain and Tokyo ghoul.
             This time, last night I made the first chapter of Heaven Offical's blessing and Tokyo Ghoul. Why? I figured why not.
              It's on my AO3 and it'll be my AO3 exclusive work just like I have with one other short story of Blue exorcist X Smile (Like the Smile Curse)
              If you're interested in the TGCF X Tokyo Ghoul story here it is :
              Copy and paste it if you want, but I only have one chapter down so far so it's not much. 
              I dunno If I'll be able to update again today if I do it's probably cuz I ditched school work or I found some time. But after 1:44 I have work, and probably wont update up until 7:10 when I get home. 
              OKAY! Love you all and have a Good Morning / Afternoon / Night!!!


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Hey my lovelies, this Author apologizes for not updating for a long time. Lately I've picked up more shifts at work, I just turned 18 and currently apartment hunting and building credit to BUY an apartment cause fucking houses nowadays are expensive as hell. 
                I'll try to work on some drafts for the chapters that I have currently RN if not then maybe sometime soon. Here's the schedule of my time that I might be able to write if school isn't breathing down my neck:
                Mon-Wed I have free time after school (Ends at 1:44 P.M). If I'm not doing anything important those days after said time I'll try to write for you.
                Thursday I have work right after school, so I might not work on chapters after work 'cuz I don't really get home until almost 8 at night and I spend that time usually trying to wind down from the shit days at work.
                Friday I do get out of school 12:44 in the afternoon, so if I hang out at a Starbucks up until 2:30 I have little time to work on a chapter, and if I'm lucky I'll update for you. 
               Sat-Sundays are useless cause I work from 5 in the morning to almost seven at night and I won't be able to upload shit.
                So yea, those for now are my current free time to be able to try to work on my stuff again, but once I graduate those times are gonna greatly decrease like my mental stability as I'm gonna have to get more hours just to sustain an apartment for bills and shit.
               Hope you all understand!
               Love you all!
               Have a Good Morning / Afternoon / Night!
               P.s, it also goes for my AO3 readers as well


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Ya'll, I finally fucking finished writing my book I want to publish all around, but now I have a new problem... My dumbass now has to write the second book where pretty much all the fucking drama and shit goes down.
                I wanna fucking cry and shit. 
                I'll let you all know how this journey goes down
               And dw-I'm working on some chapters, but I'm so invested in this it's not even funny lol


            Aww-ur so kind. Thank u and for that I hope u have a wonderful day and or life❤️


Hey no rush tho
            Take your time
            If the readers love your books they will wait
            Stop stressing yourself


      Heya my dear readers, sorry for not updating any stories so far, lately I've been busy with work and home life. 
                But now that I'm on winter break rn, I may be able to post some stories lmao. I hope you all have a nice Christmas!
                 Have a good morning/ afternoon/ night and have a merry Christmas 


@Monntiger merry Christmas to u too❤️✨️


Wassup my peeps! 
              I posted a short story on my AO3!
               With this movie "Smile 2" going on I had an idea! I was in a Blue Exorcist phase so I wrote a crossover with Rin being infected with the smile curse! Not a whole lot of dialogue and stuff but its whatever.
               Hope you enjoy it.


Heya my dearest Readers! Author here-I have a question that I wanna ask you all a little something-
               So with my recent new AO3 account, I wish to make AO3 exclusive work. You all are free to give me ideas to write, and whoever's (There will be more than one) idea I like the most-I will write at least two chapters of any story of their choosing! No matter what!
               Lemme know here, I will be checking at least once every hour or so until I find some ideas I like. Even if it's months later and you have anymore Ideas that I should write on my AO3 accont-message me or comment it here!
               Thank you my dearest readers! You're all the best!
               Have a Good Morning / Afternoon / Night!
               Rest well and have plenty of water!


@Salem_Kitchen_Witch I have no idea other than drarry ☺️


Heya people! 
               I've officially added my Ao3 Account onto my bio so if you are all interested in it please go check it out and let me know what you think (Although three of those stories are just the ones I also have here save for maybe one).
              I might do Ao3 exclusive work so keep an eye out for that if you are interested in subscribing to that as well. 
              I'll add my TikTok where I have my art work on my bio here soon as well once I have the time which I might do once I pose this little announcement. Either way I hope you all have a good morning / afternoon / night!


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Good couple of things rq...
          Second... should I make a tumbler acc?
          Third... ima a step closer to my dream job! I have an interview today at a tattoo parlor! Let's see if they'll take me as an apprentice!!