
ugghhh...I am trying desperately to write another one shot story and I can't seem to get passed the first 500 words. Anyone have any ideas or even requests that could help me get the ball rolling here?!? Would love some input.


Ok I need help finding a specific story that I love. It’s a multi character story with Mina and I think Billie Dean and cordelia but I’m not positive. Where the reader is desperately trying to get mina to like her. The reader paints this piece of furniture purple and gets paint all through the house and then mina finds her and they finally get close. Please help me find it!!


@somethingdollabeanss I’m gonna do some more searching today! Thanks for looking for me!
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Currently writing a short stories book with Sarah Paulson characters. I’m super excited about it already. Hoping to have the first story posted in a few days. Also, I’m going to start watching Cupid today. I haven’t really heard many people talk about her in that show so I’m hoping that it’s good. Fingers crossed!