
Hey guys: TR:DL: got my job back, got sick for a week, unmotivated, been struggling to write, working on YouTube videos hasn’t been going easy. Gonna try to do more prep so I’m ready, but I’ll see what I can post before Sunday.
          	The long version: So I did get my job back but I marked guilty despite all the evidence to the contrary, and for mid-winter break, I got so sick I was coughing, couldn’t breathe properly, couldn’t even write properly, could barely record more than one video, and then I couldn’t sleep properly for certain days. I also just have been disoriented just a lot mentally and I haven’t had the mental strength to go back to work so I can catch up with everything cuz I just want the strength to be myself again and feel like I’m taking control of my life again, but I just need a bit more time.


Hey guys: TR:DL: got my job back, got sick for a week, unmotivated, been struggling to write, working on YouTube videos hasn’t been going easy. Gonna try to do more prep so I’m ready, but I’ll see what I can post before Sunday.
          The long version: So I did get my job back but I marked guilty despite all the evidence to the contrary, and for mid-winter break, I got so sick I was coughing, couldn’t breathe properly, couldn’t even write properly, could barely record more than one video, and then I couldn’t sleep properly for certain days. I also just have been disoriented just a lot mentally and I haven’t had the mental strength to go back to work so I can catch up with everything cuz I just want the strength to be myself again and feel like I’m taking control of my life again, but I just need a bit more time.


It's time I start finishing these stories one by one  I'm on working chapters 33 onward so I'm slowly uploading chapters 1 through 32, especially if you haven't read them. That way I can finish drafting the rest by the time I'm done!
          Chapter 1

          Chapter 2

          Chapter 3



@0valeyes Thanks, it hasn't been easy


I'm finally done with Book 2! Only took me ELEVEN MONTHS! But I pulled it off. Well you guys can't say I didn't finish anything since this is not a technically the fifth story that I finished


@SalexanderWorkshop Aye! Congratulations bro! I'm working on my 8th/9th story. I forgot how many I've completed tbh. Anyway, Congratulations!



Happy Thanksgiving & Black Friday! I've been a little busy, had my job meeting, I might be okay on that front, but I've been working on trying to get my book published and some extra stuff to work on, so here are some of the chapter I managed to get done today.
          I'm not done yet, and I have about 9500 more words to write tonight and tomorrow, don't think I'm gonna make it, but I'm gonna try to write as fast as I can. 
          Naruto x Jujutsu Kaisen Chapters 4 (3 is finished)

          Haste Knights Chapter 4

          Acrostic Poems: Prose and Underdog

          Annoying Dreamer/Artistic Doubter, including a special Thanksgiving Chapter from me

          Clash of Exes

          Fight For Father's Pride

          Full Story


Update:things are getting better. I have another meeting with my job, I had evidence and claims to back up my defense, and so I'm having another meeting on Wednesday to see what happens with my job. So I'm gonna be writing until then, hence why I worked on seven chapters over three days, and I just got lost trying to write 3000 words in one day, third time was the charm.
          Family's over so here's the chapters I worked on, and I'll explain and update more when I get the chance.
          Gotta work things around but these are the chapters done for Annoying Dreamer & Artistic Doubter:
          Secrets and Soulmates: The Bond

          Dating Prospects (Part 1)

          Prospectful Date (Part 2)

          Trapped Inside the Unknown (Part 1)

          Trapped Inside the School (Part 2)

          Halloween Special: Trick (Part 1)

          Halloween Special: Treat (Part 2)

          You can read these without much context, but let me know what you think about them in the comments and/or vote.


Hi. Wondering about the lack of updates? I lost my job...temporarily, for now. To make a long story short, here's a list of what's been going on the past 30 days:
          1) my job suspended me for something I didn't do and I have to wait a few more days until I'm ready to defend myself and that position. 
          2) I was working at another location that would take me 2 hours to travel through.
          3) I lost my voice on the third week of November.
          4) The election....wasn't my ideal result. 
          5) I've been trying to get my book agented, but I've had one rejection so far, and I'm waiting on the other two. I'm being patient for now, but 1 is slowly me down.
          6) I'm trying to make sure I have my story and facts straight so when I go for my meeting I have the evidence and tools to defend myself
          7) I've been trying to go to the gym more, to very interesting results. Sometimes I've written, like a bit today, but it's mostly for stress
          8) Been doing a bit of content creator to see if I get monetized
          9) I've had to use a lot of my for transportation so I was trying to save up, but no job, no money
          10) I went to the Anime NYC event once
          11) ran out of chocolate on Halloween so I had to resort to handing out Doritoes
          12) my phone plugs stopped working and disappeared
          13) I've been doing pit events to try and get my book published and it hasn't been going well
          14) some online friends were using their political preference to start attacking trans kids and whitewash someone who spread misinformation targeting innocent people and I lost them as a friend
          15) Spreading into for people who's mental health issues were declining
          16) the your body my choice trend was going around and as someone vehemetly against non-consent, this was sort of a problem
          So yeah, I'll try to return before Thursday, but I need to see how the rest of the week will play out, sorry it's been so long though, and wish me luck, cuz I'm going to need it.  
          Sorry it's been so long, I hope I can fix this.


@BlueHearts079 thanks a bunch, means a lot. 


@SalexanderWorkshop omg take as much time as you need don't rush yourself!! And yeah I agreee the election was scary as hell and sucked so please take as much time as you need to relax and we will be here for u when u return <3
