
Just a little bit of Harry Potter humour, or a big bit, since I normally break the chapters this long into smaller parts.


Alright, I was looking through my old unfinished stories and I found a HP/PJ crossover that I never finished but I did quite a lot to. I know where I want to take the story but at the moment have no motivation to write it. What I want to know is if you'd like me to put it up as it is, or save it until I've written more and finished it. Please bear in mind when you're giving me your opinions that I may never finish it so you may never see it if you vote the second.
          Much thanks, Taz xx


Sorry it's taken so long to bring anything out. I got caught up in other things and forgot about my Wattpad account for awhile. BUT I didn't stop writing. You see here the results of my absence. Some chapters have been added to Something Obvious and Visitors has been taken down so I make it more coherent. In other news, come back tomorrow for the next installation of my new story Chronicles of Hel.


Is this thing on?
          I'll assume yes.
          This is the part where I ask for a favour. You may or may not (probably not) have noticed a new book. Sorry to disappoint, it's not a new book... yet.
          The blurb and first part pretty much explains everything and I'm not typing it out again.
          That sounded a bit better in my head...
          In other news, that little contest I put in Demigods Happened, still going, still one entry.
          Yeah, that's about it,
          Taz xx


You have no idea how long it took me to figure out how to do this...
          Hi, it's Taz. I come bearing a request and a warning.
          The request: I am completely techknockery incompetent. That's why I'm asking for someone with too much spare time to do me a huge favour and make a cover for my new book, Visitors. 
          All you really need to know is that is purely Solangelo and not very good (that's the warning). I don't have any specific requirements; I'm just bored of seeing my profile picture as the cover. 
          If you decide to make a cover please send it to and I'll try to figure out how to put it up. YOU WILL BE CREDITED AND AWESOME.
          Resisting the urge to do puppy dog eyes,
          Taz xx


It's official! You're now part of the "THIS PERSON IS AMAZING THAT I JUST WANT TO HUG THEM" club. Be honored! Thank you so much for reading my stories and commenting!(*≧▽≦)            (^∇^)


@Chocalate-Lover1016 That's a definitely to the frustrations


@SalixMendax Yep! Oh and your poems are really wonderful! You may not believe you're any good but let me tell you something: poems usually are a way for people to let their thoughts run wild or just to let out frustrations but poems are beautiful in every aspect they're written in. So yeah!


@Chocalate-Lover1016 Thanks. That means a lot. Oh and thanks for reading my poems.