
Hai hello hai! I am alive! Coming out of the woodwork to let you know that I will be joining a bunch of awesome Wattpad Stars at BookCon 2018 tomorrow for the Wattpad meet and greet at 4:45pm! If you’re in the NY area, come say hi in person and grab an autograph! Also giving away a few free hardback copies of Paladin. If you don’t have a ticket yet, you can take advantage of the Wattpad 10% discount code (Wattpad).
          	Heads up that I dyed my hair PLATINUM (yup) so I may be a little hard to recognize. Just look for the wannabe Danaerys.
          	Oh and I’m working on the next update of Tristan! (Plot B of Paladin). Coming at you later tonight!


@SallySlater Hey, there.
          	  I just wrote my first story here in Wattpad. Check it out. 


Coucou tout le monde !!
          Si il y a des amatrices de dark romance je vous invite à venir lire mon histoire. 
          C'est sur mon profil, merci d'avance à ceux qui vont y aller. 
          Je compte sur vos votes et vos commentaires ♡


Hi everyone! I’d like to start with a quick apology to the author for leaving a message here—I appreciate your understanding. To all the readers, I’d love for you to check out my book and share your feedback! Your thoughts mean so much and will really help me improve. Thank you for your support!