
Holla guys apa kabar ?
          	Semoga kabar baik ya, hmm mau nanya dong kalo misal nih ya aku bikin cerita ZaintSee lagi pada mau baca nggak ?
          	Niatnya sih mau noren tapi karena tulisanku yang masih sangat sangat jauh dari kata sempurna aku tuh jadi insecure ಥ‿ಥ
          	Nah kalo ZaintSee kan aku emg udh sering bikin walaupun ya begitulah ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
          	Gimana, setuju nggak kalo aku bikin cerita ZaintSee lagi ? 


"Rumornya, Huang Renjun itu bisa baca pikiran."
          Tapi apa jadinya kalau bakat unik ini dihadapkan sama kasus kematian misterius?

          Halo, cantik/ganteng, numpang lewat buat promosi, ya! Suka fantasi? Paranormal? Atau thriller yang dikasih romance tipis-tipis? Mampir skuy. Siapa tahu nyaman. Hehe.
          Maaf mengganggu dan semoga harimu menyenangkan (ʃƪ^3^)



Holla guys apa kabar ?
          Semoga kabar baik ya, hmm mau nanya dong kalo misal nih ya aku bikin cerita ZaintSee lagi pada mau baca nggak ?
          Niatnya sih mau noren tapi karena tulisanku yang masih sangat sangat jauh dari kata sempurna aku tuh jadi insecure ಥ‿ಥ
          Nah kalo ZaintSee kan aku emg udh sering bikin walaupun ya begitulah ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
          Gimana, setuju nggak kalo aku bikin cerita ZaintSee lagi ? 


Saint suppapong is an intelligent and quiet student. Zee pruk is the hottest student and really bad in studies. Hwa is a manipulative and arrogant spoilt girl, who is dating zee and gets jealous of Saint as he is a class topper. She tricks zee to pretend to be fall in love with Saint and requests him for tutoring so that he can get high marks. From there Saint falls on zee. At the prom party, Saint confessed Zee,but he ends up rejected and insulted by Zee and Hwa and learns that he only uses him getting high grades for his studies. Unable to bear the humiliation, he mets with an accident and an unknown man rushed him to the hospital. The doctor said that he lost his memory. Will zee realized that he actually fall in love with Saint?Will he regrets for what he did to Saint?Who is unknown person who save Saint's life? Will Saint regain his memory?


@ GouriAsokan I apologize profusely but i'm not making ZaintSee stories anymore, i'm really sorry ಥ‿ಥ


Glad that you like it.yes,it my request of your new book. Please write a new zeesaint story like this


Hallo, Kak. Aku sangat gembira kamu udah nambahin cerita Perjanjian Ketiga dalam daftar bacaanmu.
          Selamat membaca, moga terhibur 


@ Salsabillaasn  makasih, kak 


@ bomowica hallo juga, oh iya kak ceritanya bagus aku suka 