Hello everyone!
I know this account is by no means political though this is an issue that we should not be silent about.
I’m sure you are all aware of the recent events in the USA. Though I am aware I do not have a large platform and an audience, I still wish to reach those who I can.
I am aware that a lot of people who follow me/read what I post here and may see this are from the USA. If you are participating in any protests please be safe and acquire the needed information so you can protect yourself.
Those of us who cannot participate in protests, we can still do something. Sign petitions! If you can, donate! Even a small amout of money can make a difference! Raise awareness! Speak out! Do not be silent!
We also need to educate ourselves and learn more. Not enough is being taught and said about these heavily important topics and we must inform ourselves of it. There is a lot many people aren’t aware of, much of what we should be aware of and of which we should know. It is crucial to learn. We do not know everything and all. It is important to inform yourself properly.
Links to petitions and donation sites are avalible all over social media and accessible to all. Even if you are not a US citizen, you can still support the cause and the movement wherever in the world you may be. We can all do something to help.
Lastly, those who are privileged, use your privilige to lift up, support and protect those who are not so fortunate.
Through this link you can access petitions, donation sites, resources and information about the protest:
(aftwr you sign some petitions, do not forget to confirm your e-mail otherwise your signature won’t count)
Through this link you can acquire valuable information about the protests.
#Protest_Laws" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://greenandblackcross.org/guides #Protest_Laws</a>
Do what you can. Support however you can. Share information. Black lives matter. Not just now, but always and wherever you may be in the world.