@ Salty_Bitchhh it goes like this, (just how I think the start of it should, since I like to see how others develop something that was already half done) 2 or 3 years later, Dandy finds out a way to ressurect dead forms of life that were made out of Ichor, Vee sees an opportunity to bring back Shelly, but is scared of it at first, since she was the reason Shelly k*lled herself, but after some time, she asks him to revive her, he does, and Shelly is confused at first, but then becomes worried, since EVERYONE at Gardenview knew what she had done, and isolates herself, not knowing what to do, Vee keeps watching her from afar, unnoticeable, she wants to fix the relationship she had with Shelly, but is IMMENSELY scared that Shelly is mad at her and that it can cause her to kill herself again.