
Hey everyone! I published a story called "What's Happening In Myanmar" logging (sort of) on what has been going on in Myanmar. please spend a few moments to read at least a chapter. it's not long i promise :) I ask for your help to spread the word .Thank you so much  


@Salty_Mal thanks for your voice


Hey everyone! I published a story called "What's Happening In Myanmar" logging (sort of) on what has been going on in Myanmar. please spend a few moments to read at least a chapter. it's not long i promise :) I ask for your help to spread the word .Thank you so much  


@Salty_Mal thanks for your voice


i am sorry for bring politics into a place where people including myself escape reality but I can't just sit around and let the country i love get destroyed under the ruling of such disgusting and greedy beings.  I have a voice, no matter how small it is, and i will use that small voice to speak up for my country and for all the people i love and treasure.


i know no one is on this side of my profile but i'll take my chances. 
          As of wee hours on February 1 the military seized power by staging a coup and cut all access of communication. Luckily most means of communication is back on. They have detain our civilian leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior member of NLD ( National League of Democracy). This is a very heartbreaking and scary event for all of us citizens. We are once again reminded of the pain and fear of the bloodshed in 1988 against the military led by students and many more before the power was transferred to the democratic part in 2011 after a landslide win. We Burmese Citizens do not want history to repeat again. We refuse to let the military control our beloved country again, bringing pain and suffering to everyone of us in the country.
          Please help us bring more attention to this matter we beg of you, for our present and future. Please help us by signing the petition on my profile, posting and spreading the word on your social media. If you are a Burmese citizen please stay at home and don't go outside to protest as we all know how cruel the military is. Nothing good will come out if we give into their taunts and false news. We as proud citizens should doing whatever we can on our part while staying safe. Stay safe everyone ! And may this horror pass..


@Salty_Mal glad that you use this platform for speking out,pls continue