
remember that there will be a day that it's the 250th day of this year :) 
          	p.s. i'm often here. just to check up on you, and then say your names in my prayers, hope everything you're doing is well 
          	I NEWT YOU ❤️ (yes, i think it's the more beautiful word than 'love' so... i just used it, just had this thought a cpl of weeks ago haha *peace* ;)) 
          	have a glade day C;


@Sam-Newt buddy when ur back let's Roleplay kay?


Hi its been ages since we talked id if you're there or not or if you have just stopped using wattpad but i lovw you and i always will bbg you have been such a huge help during pandemic i still think about you and i remember you and i love you so much you are worth everything do not forget that