Hey hey hey! Happy New Year, y'all!
Wow, what a year that was. Probably my slowest story writing time. As a college, kid, I've become pretty busy.
But what I did manage to give you was pretty good, huh?
My favorite 2024 stories include "Once Upon a Dream", "To Kill a Flutist", "Storms in Africa", "Straw Girl" and "Joyeux Noel".
Highlights include Calvin learning the flute, Jeremy reconciling with his father, Jackie and Gayle joining the police force, and the Three Warriors meeting Ray Bolger, who will become a main character in 2025.
Now it's time for the yearly shoutouts to the fans and followers who stuck by me.
Well, girlfriend, you and I always support each other stories. Lately, we've actually been helping each other write them! I'm glad to do that with you so if you ever need ideas, you know who to go to. We really have become Wattpad besties, haven't we? We've also been delving deeper into the Disney universe and the behind the scenes of Wizard of Oz. We learned a lot, and I believe we'll always rivet each other with our stories in the new year. I love you, girly.
Can you believe it? I finally combined Batman and "The Wizard of Oz". You'll be getting more of that from now on, I can promise you that. Thanks for the inspiration, hon. I'll see you in the new year. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.
I've seen your latest instagram posts. They're actually SO inspiring! I can tell you're starting to like yourself better. You're finally seeing yourself the way I see you. Good on ya, honey. Happy new year.
Hi, Kaley! How are you, old pal? We go to the same college now, and you still read my stories. I'm so glad I'm still able to connect with you. Thanks for staying my friend. Happy new year, honey.
Well, that's it for 2024! And I'll see y'all in 2025.
Happy new year!
Peace and love,