Hi, I need help. I'm trying to do something with a 'Court of Friendship' but I am drawing a blank on some of the plot. I have general ideas for a few characters, but the plot and some more specific details are giving me trouble.
Here is what I have so far:
Zera, the first protagonist (there will eventually be about 6, 9 if you count the Junior Council.), has gotten transferred to a school on the solar system's capitol planet. There she meets Sugaree, FruitZack, Gemevieve, and Anishy. A villain goes by the name of Queen Metalys takes over the school and wants to use it as a home base for invasion. In their escape, the four ^^, FruitZack's little sister ___ , and Zera crash a few units (hundred meters) away. They find out that the principal seems to be taken captured, due to her quick cut-off over the radio that had conveniently was still working. The six dolls (yes, they are dolls.) plan to head out to the nearest town to seek help. The villains (Metalys and her kingdom are bug-like. Think insects)
Other than that, I don't have much.