I know it’s super belated but I went through my chapters and tried to thank most my commenters for their suggestions. Thank you everyone for you help with Vega of the Sky. I truly appreciate the feedback.
I know it’s super belated but I went through my chapters and tried to thank most my commenters for their suggestions. Thank you everyone for you help with Vega of the Sky. I truly appreciate the feedback.
Thank you to everyone who has read Vega of the Sky. Today my book hit 500 views which is a huge milestone for me! Again, I can’t thank you guys enough for all the feedback! :)
Writing from Cash's perspective is much more difficult than Vega. It's like Cash has two stories going on. The one he is perceiving through his eyes and the one that goes on in his head.
After a week of drowning, (and over 8,500 words) I split my chapter four into two chapters. These chapters are some of my favorites as we are now starting to get to the plot. I hope you guys enjoy. :)