
Thank you SO MUCH for your support! I love all of you!


Listen girl don't let them get to you u are beautiful"you can beautiful wonderful everything she doesn't see" that what you are don't do it don't let them win don't commit we love you come on they are jelly I might not know you but I can tell you are amazing and is very wonderful plz listen to do or little me or shimmer love by birdy they can calm you the calmed me when I heard this I'm crying now and you are IT'S NOT WORTH IT if you cut IT'S NOT WORTH IT i had bullies but one in a while stand up to them I am a sassy girl and I hardy cry anymore but I'm crying now don't do this we all luv you don't let the hate get to your head I will tell u again until u are better cause I care I might not know you but I care


you can pull through this and you can Stay Strong. maybe you can't ignore whoever it is with the sole purpose to make our lives miserable but you are awesome in your own way. Don't ever think of yourself as Just a person because you are so much more and even though you may or may not have many supporters in your face to face life but, trust me there are always at least a few people who want to help. PM me if you want and remember,  you are beautigul inside out. Stay Strong


Hey I just read your status and here's what I have to say to that..... Hush little baby don't you cry don't cut your arms don't say goodbye putti might seem hard but you can win this fight!... Don't let the bullies get to you your perfect the way you are don't change yourself for others just remember that lovatics are here for you always & forever :)