
A chapter I was so excited for has given me more writer's block than I could've imagined. Gotta push through!!


I thought this former subplot in the old version of my book was insignificant, but now I'm thinking it'd be nice to add. It'd add some drama, which there's a lot of in the story.
          It's strange how much has changed. Feels almost like a completely new book, in the best way.


It is SO hard for me to avoid writer's block when my story veers off of the original outline. One small change has altered the story so much, and I'm having trouble working out the chapters following that.
          I'm also so worried I'm going to have to rewrite a bunch of stuff later on because I decide to change things again. Sure, I'll have to rewrite some, but I want it to be small edits. I'm afraid I'll waste my time with this rewrite. I believe I'm overthinking things, but what's new lol


I'm joining the Elganza Awards with @TheCieloCommunity ! They have some very unique special categories, so check it out!


I completely forgot that some of the later chapters of Betrayed in Blood (recently unpublished as I start rewriting) can most likely be reused without being rewritten. It's not a TON of chapters, but I could bet there's between 5–10 of them that I would only have to make minor edits to.
          That's pretty exciting for me! Rewriting is a pretty difficult process, so I'm sure once I get to those chapters, it'll be a nice break. That way, I can more easily meet my updating goals if I get off track. I may even finish the second draft sooner (fingers crossed)!