
Will @theotherideas please message me for information on your prize? 


Congratulations to the winner of my Green Meanie cover contest! The winner has been announced in my first chapter! 
          Readers, go ahead and add this book to your libraries now so you'll be the first to know when the first (real) chapter is posted!!


I think I'm gonna try to get on a Wattpad schedule. After the first chapter of the Green Meanie is posted (March 6th) I'm gonna try and publish every two weeks until summer. Once I'm out of school, I'll hopefully be able to write more often. Thoughts?


Hello all! So, I'm extending the deadline for The Red Devils cover contest to March 3rd instead of March 1st because nobody had submitted an entry. This way I can still publish on the origianlly planned date, March 6th. Remember, the winner gets a customized character in the Green Meanie and is announced on March 4th. The information for the contest is two posts below and the last chapter on The Red Devils. 
          I'm tagging the people who expressed interest, sorry if you don't like being tagged in things. 
          @theotherideas @officialpatricia @WKproductions


@SamMinugh17 pm me for info on where to send the cover. 


Greetings all! I just wanted to give all my readers a friendly reminder that my cover contest for The Green Meanie book ends on March 1, 2017 but you can submit your entries before them. The winner will be announced March 2nd. The Green Meanie's first chapter will be published March 6, 2017. You can find the information for the contest in the post below or in the final chapter of The Red Devils. 
          I can't wait to see all of your amazing creations!


Salutations my loyal readers. I apologize for the long wait for The Green Meanie. I'm super busy with school and family stuff plus I'm watching the show to see what I have to work with. 
          Also, part of the hold up is I'm not good at making covers. An ex-friend of mine use to make mine and is now not so I need a cover for The Green Meanie. So, I've decided that I will have a contest. Here are the guidelines:
          -it must have the title, The Green Meanie
          -it must have my screen name, SamMinugh17 
          I'm leaving it open so you guys can have free range with it. Message me with your creations. 
          Prize for the winner will be:
          - shoutout in the sequel
          - a new character will be named after you, although I can't guarantee you will live long (;
          Deadline: March 1, 2017
          Can't wait to see your creations!!!