
Good news people, I am planning on developing a new story and before you panic, it’s still Murder Drones related but yes it includes my AU’s. I’m not gonna throw too many of my ideas out of the window (otherwise it wouldn’t be eye-pealing anymore) but I will say one thing… it orbits around Serial Designation J. Christ, even I can give J more screen time than Glitch can. Anywho, I’ll see y’all around and I’ll try and keep you updated (remember you can always add me on discord).


Good news people, I am planning on developing a new story and before you panic, it’s still Murder Drones related but yes it includes my AU’s. I’m not gonna throw too many of my ideas out of the window (otherwise it wouldn’t be eye-pealing anymore) but I will say one thing… it orbits around Serial Designation J. Christ, even I can give J more screen time than Glitch can. Anywho, I’ll see y’all around and I’ll try and keep you updated (remember you can always add me on discord).


Just a heads up that I may re-write the whole Aftermath series to make it more logical and sensical. Also for the people who don’t know, 
          I’m have a discord in which my user is “gbr_sbell_yt.” (That includes the full stop at the end) so that jf you want to get in touch with me, feel free! Anywho, I’m gonna get back to walking around my mind for a bit. See ya!


Me when grammar mistakes: 


Alright, I’m back after so long and I’m here to explain a few things.
          On June 3rd, something behind the scenes (which I will not disclose) resulted in me being heavily restricted from any access online. By that, I mean I had no access to the internet. But things have been resolved and now I’m going to say something right here right now.
          Due to an agreement I’ve made with my parents, I will no longer be working on anything smut or fluff related, meaning that the Murder Drones Oneshots book has sadly been discontinued. I’m deeply sorry if this has caused any inconvenience but if I want to keep you guys happy, I have to keep my parents happy too. That doesn’t mean I won’t be able to post Murder Drones content here though and I have a fresh set of new ideas awaiting.
          Kind Regards


@ YoelAkira  btw i use translate to write it , sorry if there's some word you don't understand, its my lack of English knowledge 


@ SamOmegaLOL  nah bro its okay , you don't have to be sorry , Keeping parents happy and making them happy is a child's obligation and dream. Don't doubt your own decision, you can do it


Also while I was gone, I realised that the Murder Drones Oneshot book has surpassed the 10K follower mark. I just wanna say thank you so much for the ongoing support, it really means a lot to me and shows that I can actually produce entertaining content. I know I won’t be moving fast but I’ll try and post as soon as I can.


@ SamOmegaLOL  no worries man, we always here to support you!! 


I’ve been quite busy recently, but I am beginning to work on The Oneshot Extravaganza and Twisted Timeline Troubles. I do apologise for the delay but thank you for being patient.


@SamOmegaLOL  Damn it! Can you at least give me a summary?


@gbarragan30 I’d recommend checking the books to find out, I’m not gonna spoil it.


For anyone asking about countryhumans. Well uh… sadly I’ve lost interest in the following topic. I hope you understand and sorry for any inconvenience.


@SamOmegaLOL Eh, me too I kind of scooted away from it for now I like the Call of Duty WW2 campaign. It's fire!!