
Well readers thank you so much for staying my fans even though I haven't posted in about nine months. I had a baby, another boy so that makes 4 boys for me. I named him Emmett Oliver Kozee. He was 9lbs 12ozs 211/2 inches long his head was 14.5 and his chest was 15. He eat's a lot and gets lonley and wants cuddled all the time. Lol he was born march 12 at 9:25 am. He's beautiful. His peach fuzz is all red like one of his older brothers although I was hoping for black cause then I could have had a set. My oldest boy Stephan has brown hair, my second oldest Vincent has blond hair, my second youngest child Quintin has red hair and it looks like Emmett will too. Any ways, sorry I had to guss on my babies. Also another bit of news, there's a chance that in the months of june-mid december I may not be able to write anything though I will try, my husband Nate will be shipped out for boot camp and his AIT training for the us military, particularly the army branch. So I might end up have almost like a "blog" about being a military wife and the issues and problems it may bring.


Well readers thank you so much for staying my fans even though I haven't posted in about nine months. I had a baby, another boy so that makes 4 boys for me. I named him Emmett Oliver Kozee. He was 9lbs 12ozs 211/2 inches long his head was 14.5 and his chest was 15. He eat's a lot and gets lonley and wants cuddled all the time. Lol he was born march 12 at 9:25 am. He's beautiful. His peach fuzz is all red like one of his older brothers although I was hoping for black cause then I could have had a set. My oldest boy Stephan has brown hair, my second oldest Vincent has blond hair, my second youngest child Quintin has red hair and it looks like Emmett will too. Any ways, sorry I had to guss on my babies. Also another bit of news, there's a chance that in the months of june-mid december I may not be able to write anything though I will try, my husband Nate will be shipped out for boot camp and his AIT training for the us military, particularly the army branch. So I might end up have almost like a "blog" about being a military wife and the issues and problems it may bring.


Hey guys I weep for you all cause you guys are still my fans and I haven't written crap in weeks. I sleep all the time I'm so glad this is my last pregnancy I'm tired of the weeping and the sleeping blarg! Also while I've been outbid it I've been working on fleshing out some details about iwhv and maybe changing the ending of pbmbfd I actUally had an alternate ending to that one but the one I preferred was hated on very much so might go with that one also it'll make the story a bit longer hehe so thanks for hanging in there guys!


Hrmm, I kow I havent exactly been a writing feind as of lately. Some things have happened. Like for instancte, my oldest child started kinderhgarden. I'm also 10 weeks and 3 days pregnant. My youngest chid is trying to walk and my second oldest has been a devil. Friggen terrible twos I tell ya. They travel into the terrible threes, fours, and fives... It just changes forms. XD So When I get the chance I'll write some more. I was thinking about writing an epologe for pregnant by my bfd. I also need to finish my watty award. It's going to be a short story I think cause it's really hard for me to come up with a make beleive culture.