Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone wanted to have a character in my book.

Name: Autumn Grey Hair: Longish auburn colored hair normally in a loose braid Eye color: deep green Complexion: fairly pale Talents: art Personality: creative, can be weird and awkward, also a little OCD like and can be short tempered when frustrated or not having a good day, optimistic, carefree Gender: Female Extra: shorter and smaller than most her age

Name: Livi Lapin Hair: Long brown hair with hot pink tips always in messy bun Eye color: Purple (if normal eye color then i guess chocolate brown) Complexion: olive skin, i guess average height and weight, Talents: singing. Like never seen NOT singing or humming. And very resourceful-makes things out of pretty much nothing Personality: loyal, friendly, bubbly, very fierce when wants to be, usually the hyper one, but knows when to be serious, witty Gender: female Extra: i guess, wears several gold rings. -LGF

Ok. Just tell me this info: Name Hair Eye color Complexion Talents Personality Gender