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Hello once more! Ans this time, good news. I am starting a new project, which I don’t have a name for yet, but a placeholder is “JoJo’s 2ptalia”. It’s exactly as it sounds—a Hetalia project based on the 2ps. I’ve always disliked how the 2ps were portrayed, so this is my big “fuck you im going to do my own thing”. Hetalians who are interested, PLEASE join! This is also partly why I’ve been writing character cards. It will be like a comic, except there’s no art (because I can’t draw, but shh). The genre is comedy, but at its core, it’s very… dark. You guys will find out later ;) https://discord.gg/c3qPvkcH That’s the discord link! Right now it’s just me and my gf as mod, but I’d love for y’all to join (I’m desperate ) Thank you!