
What's happening in Afganistan is really sad and disheartening . My prayers go out to them #freeAfganistan


this message may be offensive
Okay it's been a long time and I really wanted to
          address this, half the site is full of either Twilight
          fanfiction or stories based on pseudoscientific
          bullshit. I don't mean science fiction. We're talking
          about authors who've taken the glossary from some
          spiritual that is again not actually something spiritual,
          chewed it up, and spit it out on their keyboards like
          some kind of alphabet soup that has gone bad Imao.
          I mean at first I used to be like what the fuck is going
          on ?
          But then but nowadays I just laugh at the stuff I
          read. It's basically like a cheap stand up minus the
          effort or IQ lol.
          Billionaires, werewolves, bullies, "abuse". It's so
          annoying and is just depressing to see endless
          rows of books that all have literally abuse in the
          title somewhere. Like wtfffffffff yaar abuse is not
          romantic, it's a crime. What is wrong with you ?
          I mean these are terribly-written stories that promote
          unhealthy relationships and toxic patterns of thinking.
          That or the trashy shirtless dude or something to
          that effect. Dude could be the worst person ever to the
          Woman but the author makes it okay because he's hot
          or whatever.


Hemlo guys! Cheems is really grateful for your patience . Ik I have been quite irregular with my updates but I'll try to do better promise . Also I updated the new chapter of shades of ink go give it a read and tell me what you think :D



I am literally a dick for not at all being active all this time but i was going through writer's block and now I'm back with another poem do give it a read and tell me what you think about it :) 
