
I'm so blown away.  I just finished Chapter 11 from Always and forever by Lizle Kotze.  OMG this book is freaking awesome.  Lizle Kotze you rule.  What an amazing story. This book should definitely be made into a movie. Definitely.


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Did u ever watch the originals before 


@DayDayEvans  If you haven't started reading it yet, you should.  Its really awesome.  Is the Originals good.


@DayDayEvans I have it on my list of series to watch. I know its a sequel to Vampire Diaries which is also still on my list. I'm busy with Teen Wolf and 13 Reasons why and Frontier.  Just like my books a have a list I follow.  I'm reading Always and forever by Lizle Kotze and only when the book is done will I start with another book.  Her book is brilliant and I hope they make a movie of it one day.  Best book ever.