
Hi all! This is the last time I will message. My latest novel is now COMPLETE and I will update regularly until it's all up. Please vote for it in the Inkitt Hidden Gems competition, it is now the final day and I'm on the borderline between qualifying. Any vote helps!
          	Thanks! :D


Hi Lovely People,
          Just to let you know, I need only 6 more votes to get through the end stage of the competition and I really need your help! Please follow the link below to help me win the chance to get published.

          Only twenty seconds of your time would mean the world to me :)
          Thank you all.


@SamanthaJR  Hi, I went and voted for it. I am finding the story very fun to read.  Do you think you will publish Promise the Sky as well? It is one of my favorite stories, on or off wattpad, and I would love to have a  copy someday. I also get absurdly excited every time you update Silence Falls XD, earning me some very funny looks at times...


Hi All!
          I am here to ask a massive favour of you all. I have entered one of my novels into a competition with the end game of hopefully getting it published and I need your votes. Could you follow the below link. A banner should pop up at the bottom with a small heart - it would mean the world to me if you would click that heart. 

          Unfortunately, though I wanted to most, I could not submit 'Promise the Sky' as it does not adhere to their strict grammar guidelines. I am, however, looking in to fixing this before the deadline, so expect another of these messages in the near future ;)
          Thanks to all of you, and much love! xxxx