It’s been awhile since I’ve posted I’m sorry to say to those who’ve noticed, but I deleted all of my story’s because I want to focus on story’s with more formality and structure. Thank you
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted I’m sorry to say to those who’ve noticed, but I deleted all of my story’s because I want to focus on story’s with more formality and structure. Thank you
Hey guys! Finals is this week! I’m totally screwed. my friend asked if I wanted to jump off a cliff with her and I accepted. School is really something
Jk guys I wouldn’t really want to actually die❤️ life is to small.
If you ever feel depressed and feel like ever taking your life call (800) 273-TALK (8255) the national suicide prevention hotline! Happy holidays and make sure to spread love not hate!
Hi ☺️ if you're looking for something new to read on wattpad , you should check out my story "Inevitable"! It's an angsty romance!