
Updates coming soon.


@ SamanthaQuinnDaggett  Looking forward to it 


Una de las mejores historias que he leído ....espero que Yo aprecié a Park  se que es manipulador , posesivo, obsesivo y etc etcétera...y con todos sus defectos como todos amor por Wayo es sincero y espero que esté amor ayude a Park a mejorar su carácter  ....mi humilde opinión ... odió a Pha  es cobarde,ruin, egoísta  ... etcétera no se merece a Yo ... leí la historia en un dia es genial ...espero pronto actualizases ..... Gracias por tu historia  bendiciones 


Updates coming soon.


@ SamanthaQuinnDaggett  Looking forward to it 


I just wanted to let everyone know that I won’t be able to upload for at least another week. We decided to do an overall deep cleaning Of the entire house. That coupled with work and homeschooling, I’m a bit overtaxed right now. I promise to get some writing done as soon as I can. Thank you to all my reader for your patience and support. 


Please, please, please update your story. Every day! Ok, just as soon as you can. I’m not so good at waiting. I’ve got kids too, so I know it’s super busy, especially with school out. But it’s so good. I can’t wait to find out what happens next and to find out if Pha is really a bad guy or if Park is really scary or just a little on the obsessive side. Please. Pretty please. Chocolate on top.