Hey, I'm samara. I've had this account long enough to write shitty fan fictions that should never have existed XD. 
The good news is, I don't write fan fiction anymore. XD
This will now a collection of my poetry! I hope you enjoy!
  • Louisiana
  • انضمJuly 17, 2014

الرسالة الأخيرة
SamaraWimbishSW SamaraWimbishSW Dec 10, 2021 10:05AM
I’ve always been told I should write about my crazy childhood well now I’ve started! 
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Samara Wimbish , SW
The Inside  بقلم SamaraWimbishSW
The Inside
A collection of poems, short stories, and outbursts. Hope you enjoy! -Samara :)
Ghost Town Kids بقلم SamaraWimbishSW
Ghost Town Kids
This is a story of how a small group of children not only survive their not so normal home situation but also...
Mara. No more. No less.  بقلم SamaraWimbishSW
Mara. No more. No less.
She is beautiful... that's what anyone would or should say. But. How can one so complex and full of life, ide...
1 قائمة قراءة