
Ohhhh I've been on Wattpad for a while now LMAO


Oh my gods! It's been 3 years since I created this account! Thank you to those who have stayed with me. 
          Sending my love ❤️


Also, how do we feel about rewriting the "Loki's daughter" Story?


this message may be offensive
TW - swear words
          I wish I didn't even exist sometime. Just as I was happy at my school and happy with basically everything in my life, my mother says we're going to move again. This time it's going to be 4 hours away.  Moving the first time was already so difficult on me, and she wants to put me through it again. Just because she wants more money than we have now. I don't know how many fucking times I have to tell her, money does not equal happiness. There are plenty of open jobs in the area we already live in. Moving me away from all my friends and family will not help me. I would rather just move to my dad's house, because it's closer, and I technically already HAVE friends there. Because that was the school I went too before my first move. It's only half an hour already from my school now, so I could still see my friends. But all my Mom cares about is what she wants, and what her boyfriend wants. They don't even care that I just started being happy again. 
          (I'm currently crying. Like I'm actually sobbing. Not even joking)