I know it can be hard sometimes, but you have to push through the pain. Push through it like nobody's watching. Even though everyone's watching. Their eyes tearing into the back of your head, trying to find out what's inside. If you let them, they'll know, they'll know everything, they'll know that you killed yourself to be a ‘perfect’ person in their image.
Never do that, never give in. Be yourself no matter what. You can push past the pain and not feel anything after. The trick is getting the feelings back soon after.
Getting past the pain isn't easy. Hell, if it was easy people would be alive right now. Global warming wouldn't be a thing and we would all be constantly happy. It would be annoying. The pain is why life is worth it. Because when you finally break down that wall you'll never regret it.
I wrote that when was upset and I js found it, thought I should share