
dear reader  I have upload next part of akeela


Hieeee ♡ 
          I wrote a story and want you to read it! Don't worry, it won't bite (unless you're allergic to imaginative writing). Get lost in my world, where grammar and sanity are optional. Proceed with enthusiasm (or mild curiosity). Check out  ('Father Longing for His Son' or 'masoom' by Anjali_Writess.) No pressure, but your feedback will either inflate or crush my fragile author heart.‍
          ♡ Masoom 

          ♡ Father Longing for his son 



Hey guys. the target of akeela is still not complete for which you guys have to wait
          for the post and also my paper are coming I will be busy on that and I am stress out and I am thinking of deleting because i am only able to upload first ch it so if you guys want it then tell me I will upload it but It will be really slow so its your chose. But for it i need target complete