Ok..... Im back to writing again. Its amazing where life takes you in a year. Will see where the new book goes and I hope you enjoy the journey with me.
Ok..... Im back to writing again. Its amazing where life takes you in a year. Will see where the new book goes and I hope you enjoy the journey with me.
@midnight_magic Sure will. I may be a few as I have some other projects going on. I'll leave a comment when I get a chance. Can you do the same for me? Thanks!
I'm going through the book and revamping it again. After this it is going to someone for editing and then someone else just to make sure. If you have read the book and have any ideas or places you think chanes should be made let me know. It's now or never!
I also want to say thank you to everyone for supporting me. I really appreciate every encouraging word! THANK YOU!!