Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu ❤
Jazakillahu Khairan Katheeran for all the votes on Light Upon Light. It totally made my day.
Barak Allahu Feeki ❤
Jazak'ALLAHU QAIRAN KATHEERAN for your precious follow. ❤❤❤Honoured and humbled to have you as a part of my family. Stay blessed and keep smiling.
Yas ❤
Assalaamualaikum Habibti ❤
Jazak'ALLAHU QAIRAN KATHEERAN for your precious votes . ❤ . They really mean a lot to me . ❤. I hope you'll continue to read and support . ❤ .
Love ,
Yas ❤
@TheFireWithInBurns hey. Yup it was uploaded ages ago and just didnt have the motivation to update. So i decided to take it down. Edit it abit and upload again. Hopefully this will get me in the mode to finish it lol