
Check out the new book "Runaway" updates will start after X-mas


Hey all!!! So this ended up being a longer break than I intended; however, my first update will be on August 30.  I will spend a lot of time now fixing Flight so I can get an update out on its scheduled day.  One more thing, I will be deleating Mine and I will replace it with a rant book.   So get excited for that, there is also a chance for a new book, though I'm not sure that it will work.  That seems to be it, see y'all on the 30.


Sorry, but I have put Flight on hold for a few weeks.  I just haven't had any ideas on where to go from where we last left off.  I will spendthistme kepin up with my other two and collab stories, editing, and keeping up with the bookclub.  I will also put together a detailed story map for myself, so that this won't happen again.  If you have any ideas on what should happen next, please private message me.  Thanks for your understanding!


Sorry, but I have put Flight on hold for a couple weeks.  I just haven't had any ideas on where to go next, so I will spend tis time brainstorming, and putting a story map together.  I will also be editing it and all my other stories.  Sorry if this has upset you!


Yeah...I'd be happy to....itlooks like you have gotten a pretty good start so far.  No major plot holes that I could find.  Lots of grammar, bu those are easy fixes, and a bit of inconsistancy like it jumps from one thing thing to another without finishing....but that will come with time.....what day would you like...I can get started today if you like