
Still not dead. Just been going through some stuff. It's all G. I'm still working on Jester Book 2.
          	Love yall. Stay Blessed!!


@Sammy_Scripts Glad to see you're not dead, but good luck both with in real life things and book two of Jester!


Still not dead. Just been going through some stuff. It's all G. I'm still working on Jester Book 2.
          Love yall. Stay Blessed!!


@Sammy_Scripts Glad to see you're not dead, but good luck both with in real life things and book two of Jester!


The battle's finally concluded in the latest chapter of Cookies, Crackers, and Concussions. With our heroes prevailing, despite a few losses, they now prepare to capture the spoils of war.
          What is their reward? Will it be worth the turmoil they suffered?
          Find out next week in the final chapter, Bastions.


It's so funny. This is like the... second time I've introduced the IKEs as if they were a (personified) character. You know what here's a mini-quiz. Which story did I first introduce the I.K.E. and what did the name stand for? See who's been really reading.


@Sammy_Scripts not you Teal? I thought you would know for sure.


Psst... I got something to show you.
          She rolled out her cotton clothes and slipped into her ducky-themed slippers. A set of matching blue and yellow pajamas barely clung to her miniature frame after a restless night’s sleep. The rays of light danced with the dust passing over the window. She stood in the aura, basking in its refreshing heat as her muscles relaxed.
          A fulfilling stretch of each limb was accompanied by a quaint yawn. Her toes curled. Knees buckled. Then she ran petite fingers through the massive mat of burning red locks.
          “Fuchsia… It’s too… loud.”
          The construction of Jester Book 2 has begun.


Oh snap we are at 80! Man oh man that's pretty crazy. I'm just so absolutely astounded that we've managed to capture the intrigue of 80 people around the world. Small in the grand scheme but massive in my heart.
          I feel like I should do something in celebration but I honestly have no clue. I wonder oh wonder what I can do to celebrate this?
          Maybe a competition? Maybe a server? Nah yall wouldn't want that, right?


@Sammy_Scripts Ooooh! Nice! Congratulations Sammy! You definitely deserve WAY more then that though as you are a fantastic author! 
            Would be fun to do a competition though or anything like that! Sounds good to me!


@Sammy_Scripts You deserve 10k+ followers bro, you're probably the only brawl stars fanfic writer with a vast and verbose lexicon, and I think thats really underappreciated in this community.


@Sammy_Scripts We alrady have a server, however, a competition would be nice :)


Let's start the week off with a BANG!!! I'm dropping the First Chapter of Cookies, Crackers, Concussions today (Monday in America) and I'll be dropping a new chapter every Friday at 12 am EST. Including this Friday!
          Larry and Melodie have been tasked with retrieving a super sweet secret ingredient for Starr Park's leading candy shop. They're trip sends them to a sugary sweet island with dessert themed inhabitants. However not all these patrons are happy with their arrival. They are rapidly met with a powerful backlash as two guardians deem their presence, malicious. They view themselves as the antibodies and Larry and Melodie are a Virus.
          Hope you enjoy.